“Just finished the book, I could hardly put it down. It is incredible, compelling and gripping. I am a very visual reader and can imagine all the characters and places easily with the descriptive writing. The Door is an excellent read.”
“I enjoyed book thoroughly. I had trouble putting it down! I enjoyed the suspense of the mystery, the human interactions and also learning a bit about mountaineering along the way too.“
“The Door moves quickly, but not without richly detailing both realistic portraits of mountaineering adventure, and wonderful original fantasy elements. The narrative follows a tight mountaineer team. I loved the interactions between them and the realistic way that they address problems together. Their realistic problem solving was refreshingly believable, as were their concerns, hopes and conflicts. A well written cast. I much enjoyed following the team over the mountain and then under it. What ancient wonder awaits them there?”
“THE DOOR is a genuine page-turner—right from the get-go! For me, jumping into this incredible book was like stepping off the edge of a cliff. Immediately the author grabbed me and held me—spellbound—right up to the end, with 300 or so pages rich with authentic adventure and ingenious surprises. And let me tell you—it was real! I was there…and what a ride! The author doesn’t just describe places, events, people and experiences…she picks you up by the scruff of the neck—gently though, like a mother cat with her young—and plops you down right in the thick of it. Bang! Direct, personal, rich and earthy…honestly, she is a magician with words.”
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