The Armour of God
A Liturgy
The belt of truth
I fasten tight around my waist
Holding close the words you have spoken of me
The truth that the storms of life would seek to tear away
Today I declare your truth
And fasten it close
The breastplate of righteousness
I fasten firm upon my chest
Powerless to do right in my own strength
My sinful flesh has died and Christ now lives in me
This righteousness that is yours, in Jesus Christ is now my own
I fasten it close
The gospel of peace
I wear as shoes on my feet
The good news that keeps me steady, whatever may come
A longing and a readiness to share what I have found
I step into that eagerness
And lace it tight
The shield of faith
I take upon my arm
Extinguishing every fiery dart the evil one may throw
On every day, in every moment
I raise the shield of faith
And hold it tight
The helmet of salvation
I place upon my head
The saving power of Jesus now guards my mind
And fear will have no hold on me
I place his salvation upon my head
And strap it tight
The word of God
I take as a sword in my hand
A word more powerful than any force or violence
A word that brings life and light and truth
I take God’s word in my hand
And hold it tight
The vital work of prayer
I take upon my lips
In petition and intercession and thanksgiving
For every brother and sister in the faith
Without ever giving up
I stay alert and pray
I choose to put on today
The whole armour of God
Standing firm in a strength that is not my own
For the battle is real, though it wages unseen
I receive the gift given to me
And take it up