A New Chapter
As the new year began, I realized that I needed to make some changes. In my desire to build my work as a writer, I had started raising support through Patreon, built this website, and tried to upkeep my personal blog, while still trying to actually write and advance the different projects I had in the works. It was too much. With this in mind, I decided to close my account with Patreon and instead accept monthly support through my website. Now when you visit the support section on my website, donations can be made on a one time or monthly basis.
As a way of thanking those who support me, I am writing a monthly Patron Letter which I email to everyone who supported me that month. My Patron Letter shares about the writing that I did that month, and includes points of interest that don’t make it here onto my blog, like insights into my writing process or the inspiration behind a certain work.
If you enjoy my writing or would like to empower me to spend more time writing, I invite you to check it out. My supporters are such a blessing and encouragement to me!